Our SUrgeonsAll of the surgeons practising at AOC are vocationally registered in Orthopaedic Surgery with the New Zealand Medical Council. They are also full members of the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association. It is a requirement that they regularly maintain and update their skills. They all attend a variety of professional meetings each year to fulfill this requirement and are also involved in training Orthopaedic registrars' on the specialist training programme run by the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association (on behalf of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons). They participate in the required Continuing Professional Development programme run by the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association and regularly undertake individual and peer audits of their respective practices. |
Gert StarkerOrthopaedic SurgeonInterests in: Hip, Knee and Shoulder Joint Replacement, Arthroscopic Surgery of the Shoulder, Knee, Wrist and Ankle, and General Orthopaedic SurgeryHe was born and raised in sunny South Africa and completed his basic medical training at the University of Stellenbosch. He worked and studied in various hospitals during his formative years. This included the large tertiary hospital at Tygerberg in Bellville, Cape Town and smaller rural hospital of Worcester in the Western Cape province of South Africa. He then embarked upon the study of Orthopaedic surgery at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa with its attached academic hospitals of Universitas and Pelenomi. After gaining the Magister of Medicine in orthopaedics (Mmed (orth)) which qualifies him to practice as an orthopaedic surgeon, he stayed on to spend some extra time learning about joint replacements and orthopaedics in children. He then went to Potchefstroom in the North West province where he worked for 9 years, dividing his time roughly equally between his private practice and working in the public hospital. During this time he had the opportunity to develop an interest in arthroscopic surgery. In 2007 he developed itchy feet and migrated to Palmerston North with his wife and 3 children to continue working in lovely peaceful New Zealand. He now thinks of himself as the founding father of the New Zealand branch of the family. Just like his great-great grandfather emigrated from East Europe to South Africa. His work interests include arthroscopic procedures of the knee, ankle, shoulder and wrist. He does primary joint replacements of the knee, hip and shoulder. He is interested in orthopaedic problems of the hand but is careful not to describe himself as a hand surgeon. If there is a need, he will liaise with hand surgical specialists. In New Zealand he learned the joys of fly fishing and loves exploring as many beautiful rivers as time allows.
David BroughamInterests in: Hip, Knee and Shoulder Joint Replacement, Shoulder Surgery, Knee Surgery, Paediatric Orthopaedics, Foot and Ankle Surgery, and General Orthopaedic Surgery
I graduated FRACS (Orth) in 1986. I then spent 9 months working at The Royal Childrens’ Hospital in Melbourne followed by 15 months at The Nuffield Hospital in Oxford. I commenced a mixed Public / Private practice in Palmerston North in 1989. The nature of Orthopaedic practice in Palmerston North is a general one covering most aspects of Orthopaedics.. Within this, I have a subspecialist interest in Paediatric Orthopaedics (Orthopaedics of Childhood). In addition I have a keen interest in Knee surgery ; Shoulder surgery ; Foot and Ankle surgery and Joint Replacement surgery. I am married to Julie, my best friend. We have 2 special children – Katrina and Nicholas. Julie is a nationally ranked Dressage rider and judge meaning my spare time is mostly taken up helping her with her horses. I have always had a keen interest in most sports which probably sparked my interest in Orthopaedics. I am proud of the Orthopaedic service we provide to the people of the Manawatu and Central NZ. One of my goals is to maintain and enhance that by introducing new young Orthopaedic surgeons to our group as public hospital resources allow.
geoff andersonORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONInterests in: Hip, Knee and Shoulder Joint Replacement, Knee and Hip Joint Revision, Arthroscopic Surgery of the Knee, and General Orthopaedic Surgery
Geoff Anderson was born in Dublin Ireland but grew up in England. He graduated from the University of Birmingham Medical School in 1982. He completed his post graduate training in the UK, mainly in Leicester, passing the United Kingdom's Intercolleagiate Fellowship in Orthopaedic Surgery in 1994. Geoff was then appointed as a Consultant Surgeon to the Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust where he worked from 1995 until 2003 and during that period he developed an interest in reconstructive surgery for patients with failing joint replacements.
chris williams |
MURALI REDDYORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON Interests in: Arthroscopic and Joint Replacement Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Sports & Arthroscopic Surgery, Hip and Knee Joint Replacements Murali was born on the sunny and sandy shores of the Fiji Islands and emigrated to Auckland, New Zealand as a 9 year old. He completed his high school education at Auckland Grammar School in 1995 and completed his medical training at the University of Auckland Medical School in 2001. He went onto gain his Fellowship in Orthopaedics under the auspices of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and New Zealand Orthopaedic Association in 2011. Thereafter, his family and he embarked on subspecialty orthopaedic fellowship training in all aspects of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, under the mentorship of Prof. David Sonnabend and Dr. Jeffery Hughes. He returned to a consultant post for a 6 month period in 2013 to Palmerston North, at the public hospital in Midcentral Health. The warmth of people’s hearts in the Manawatu, coupled with the excellent collegiality of the established orthopaedic department persuaded them to return permanently. After completing a second further fellowship in Shoulder and Sports surgery at the reputable Fowler Kennedy Sports Medicine Clinic and the Roth McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre in London, Ontario, Canada, Murali and his family returned to Palmerston North to take up his public hospital appointment in 2014. His subspecialty interests are focused on all aspects of shoulder and elbow surgery, especially arthroscopic (key-hole) surgery and joint replacements. Additionally, knee and sports surgery, and hip and knee replacements form the bulk of his current practice interests. Murali is passionate about the training of trainee orthopaedic surgeons, and is currently the intern and registrar supervisor for orthopaedics at Midcentral Health. Additionally, he believes that Palmerston North is ideally placed to become a leading light in orthopaedic research. He has established academic relationships with Massey University and has current research projects in conjunction with the departments of Mechatronics and Microbiology. He, his wife Prash, and daughter Surya are proud to call Palmerston North their home. They look forward to extending their family in the near future, here in the Manawatu! Murali is the first of the next wave of Palmerston North orthopaedic surgeons, keen on contributing to the orthopaedic well-being of the people of our community.
Tao Sun Tycus Tse Interests in: Hip and knee joint replacement, General orthopaedic surgery, robotic joint replacement and unicompartmental knee replacement.
Born in Hong Kong during British colonial days. Tycus grew up in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Graduated from Medical School in Hong Kong the Chinese University of Hong Kong 2008 obtaining Bachelor of Medicine, and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB).
Tycus started work under the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong as house officer in 2008. He progressed to a Medical Officer for Basic Surgical Training in the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH) department of Neurosurgery in 2009, in which he had rotations in Orthopaedics and Surgery. In 2011, he progressed to higher Orthopaedic Training in the department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology PYNEH. In 2016, Tycus completed Orthopaedic training, and attained Fellowships in Orthopaedic Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [FRCSEd(Orth)], the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons (FHKCOS), and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (FHKAM).
Tycus continued his work as a fellow Orthopaedic Surgeon in PYNEH with focus in adult Joint Replacement. He spent his year in 2019 fellow training in Arthroplasty, focused on unicompartment knee arthroplasty and robotic surgery at the Joint Replacement Centre of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHNH) in Tai Po, Hong Kong. In 2020, he was promoted to Associate Consultant in PYNEH, with his focus on knee and hip arthroplasty, and contributed in the introduction of robotic-assisted arthroplasty for the centre.
In 2022, Tycus relocated to Palmerston North of New Zealand with his family (Sandi his wife, and two very young daughters Makari and Josie.) He was appointed as Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in the public sector MidCentral District Health Board Palmerston North Hospital. In 2024, he obtained full registration for vocational scope of Orthopaedic Surgery from the Medical Council of New Zealand, where he joined into the practice Aorangi Orthopaedic Centre under the company of Redemptive Orthopaedic Surgery Ltd and operating out of the local private hospital, Crest hospital. |